Achievements of FLP
1987 General Elections
The 1987 General Election saw the defeat of Great
Council of Chiefs backed Alliance party which had ruled for 17 consecutive
years after the Independence. The fledgling Fiji Labour Party managed to
out stage the sitting government comprehensively, winning 27 seats in the
House of Representative out of possible 51 seats. The party later went to
form the Government with the following composition:
Dr. Timoci Bavadra - Prime Minister and Minister for
Fijian & Home Affairs
Harish Sharma - Dep. PM and Min for Housing, Urban Affairs &
Jai Ram Reddy - Attorney General and Minister for Justice
Mahendra Chaudhry - Minister for Finance and Economic Planning
Mosese Volavola - Minister for Lands, Energy and Mineral Resources
Joeli Kalou - Minister for Labour and Immigration
Dr. Satendra Nandan - Minister for Health and Social Welfare
Dr. Tupeni Baba - Minister for Education, Youth and Sports
Krishna Datt - Minister for Foreign Affairs and Civil Aviation
Ratu Jo Nacula - Minister for Agriculture, Fisheries and Forests
Ahmed Bhamji - Minister for Communications, Transport and Works
Navin Maharaj - Minister for Trade, Industry and Tourism
The Fiji Military Forces overthrew the Labour Government
after only one month in office. The armed overthrow was led by Lt. Col.
Sitiveni Rabuka, on May 14th 1987 at 10.00am and members of the government
were held in captivity for seven days at the Boron House. Another attempt
to get back to constitutional Government of National Unity also met the
same fate when military again took over on 25th September 1987 and imposed
military rule.
1992 General Elections
Previously Fiji Labour Party had decided that it would
not contest any elections under the racially biased and discriminatory
1990 Constitution. However, the prevailing situation at that moment
compelled the National Council meeting to decide otherwise and contest the
1992 general elections to have a voice in the House of Representatives.
The Party did extremely well despite their late start to win the following
13 seats:
Mahendra P Chaudhry
Anand Babla
Krishna Chand
G R S Chaudhry
Tulsi Ram Khelawan
Shiromani Madhawan
Vinod Maharaj
Dr. K S Naidu
R Prasad
Pradhuman Raniga
Shiu Sharan Sharma
Lateef Subedar
Lekh Ram Vayeshno
1994 Snap Elections
The 1994 snap elections was a bitter affair with
National Federation Party as it used racial overtures and FLP's
conditional support for Sitiveni Rabuka to become the Prime Minister in
return of immediate review of the racially discriminatory 1990
Constitution, ALTA, VAT and Labour reforms. Though FLP suffered due to the
distortion of certain facts during the Elections, we still managed to win
7 Seats in the House of Representatives. More importantly, FLP raked in
46% of the total Indian votes, which indicated that labour still enjoyed a
very strong support in the community.
The following members were elected to the House of
Representatives following the snap elections:
Mahendra P Chaudhry
Krishna Datt
Anand Babla
Lekh Ram Vayeshnoi
Vinod Maharaj
Dr. K S Naidu
Shiromani Madhavan
1999 National Elections
The 1999 General Elections was held under the newly
formulated 1997 Constitution and Fiji Labour Party after running an
extensive campaign to help the poor and promising to address the
disadvantaged, alleviation of poverty, bringing down the basic cost of
livelihood, overwhelmingly won 37 seats. Together with its coalition
partners, the coalition had 52 seats.
The following were the Labour Party members in Government:
Mahendra P. Chaudhry - Prime Minister and Minister for
Finance, Public Enterprise, Sugar Industry and Information.
Dr. Tupeni L. Baba - Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign
Anand K. Singh - Attorney General and Minister for Justice.
Ratu Moses Volavola - Minister for Lands, ALTA and Mineral Resources
S. S. Sharma - Minister for Works and Energy.
Pratap Chand - Minister for Education.
Ratu T. Momoedonu - Minister for Labour and Industrial Relations
Anup Kumar - Minister for Commerce, Business Development & Investment
Dr. Ganesh Chand - Minister for National Planning, Local Government,
Housing and Environment.
Manoa Bale - Minister for Regional Development and Multi-Ethnic Affairs
Lavenia Padarath - Minister for Women, Culture and Social Welfare.
Gaffar Ahmad - Assistant Minister for Home Affairs.
L. R. Vayeshnoi - Assistant Minister in Prime Minister's Office.
John Ali - Assistant Minister for Housing and Transport.
Dr. Gunasegran Gounder - Assistant Minister for Health.
The People Coalition Government one year at helm speaks
for itself as milestone were reached and below is an account of the
achievements of the government.
Peoples Coalition Government's Scorecard
It's been a busy 12 months in office
A year in office and the People's Coalition
Government has made it very clear that it is genuinely concerned about the
plight of our ordinary citizens and competent enough to manage the
country's affairs effectively. The new national administration with Prime
Minister Mahendra Chaudhry at the helm has provided efficient and caring
Government, sensitive to the people's needs and has shown prudent
management of the country's finances. It set about immediate to act on its
election promises to improve the quality of life of our people. The
following is Government's scorecard fro its first 12 months in office:
Reduction in the Cost of Living
The People's Colation Government moved fast to make good
its election promise to bring down the cost of living and provide relief
to the poor and needy through a series of measures highlighted below:
 | Customs Duty and VAT were removed from essential
food items: rice, flour/sharps, cooking oil, tinned fish, powdered
milk and tea. Price relief on these items range from 17% to 27%. |
 | Water rates were reduced by 10% but with the
system changed from quarterly to monthly billings, consumers have
benefited far more from the concession base rate for the first 50
units. |
 | Electricity charges brought down 1.5c per
unit. Another 1.5c per unit reduction is expected in August. |
 | International telephone charges are down 10%.
Other off-peak rates for both international and domestic trunk calls
now apply. |
 | Interest rate on home loans to low income
earners receiving less than $6,500 brought down from 11.5% to 6%
through the Housing Authority. The effectiveness of this policy in
providing homes to the poor is underscored by the fact that HA has
underwritten loans worth $700,000 since the rates came down. Reduction
of HA rates also put pressure on banks and other institutions to drop
housing rates, now one of the fastest growing credit items for banks.
For first homeowners the threshold on VAT refund raised to
$50,000 from $30,000. |
 | Government reduces exorbitant Third Party
insurance premiums by almost 50% in most cases, reducing rates for
private car owners from $90 to $60 and for taxis from $300 to $150. |
 | Government has announced its intention to regulate
bank fees and charges under the Counter Inflation Act. Work on
this is under progress. Action is in train to set up a Financial
Services Commission to watch over consumer interests in the financial
sector. |
 | Increases in personal tax concessions which
effectively raise the income tax threshold to $10,000: child allowance
raised by $200 to $500 for the first two child; spouse allowance
increased to $1000; and FNPF/insurance allowance increased from $1500
per couple to $1500 for each spouse. |
Other relief measures to the poor and disadvantaged in
society will be highlighted under sections such as poor relief and
Assistance to the Poor
The People's Coalition Government is committed to the
creation of a just and fair society. To achieve this Budget 2000 provides
a number of specific measures to assist the poor and alleviate poverty.
Total allocations to the poverty alleviation measures undertaken by the
Government come to $50 million, double that allocated by the previous
Government in 1999 Budget.
 | Despite allowance or grant to the family assistance
scheme raised by $1 million to $6 million. |
 | $1.5 million set aside for poverty alleviation
projects within the Social Welfare Department. This is in addition to
$1.1 million in grants to NGOs and voluntary organizations. |
 | $1.5 million for the micro finance scheme to assist
poor families get into small income earning projects. |
 | $2 million provided for land for the relocation of
squatters in the western and eastern divisions. |
 | Government is undertaking a study for an old age
pension scheme for those who have no source of income in their old
age. |
Education - assisting students
Total education Budget increased $10 million:
 | In rural areas and for poor families fee-free
education has been raised to Form Five level. |
 | An Education Commission set up to look into Fiji's
education system and to bring it in line with the demands of a modern
state. |
 | A $1 million student loan scheme set up to assist
students from poor families wishing to take up tertiary education. |
 | In response to complaints, a scholarship review panel
set up to investigate claims of bias and favouritism in the allocation
of Multi-ethnic scholarships. |
 | $1 million set aside to upgrade and maintain school
buildings and facilities particularly in rural centres. |
 | Another $1.2 million for upgrading of Government
owned school buildings and staff quarters, many of which have been
neglected for years. |
The Health sector had deteriorated markedly over the
past decade or so. To upgrade and modernise health services, Government
increased the Health Budget by $ 15 million to $108 million - an increase
of 14%.
Close to $12 million has been allocated for the
construction of new wings of new hospitals at Nadi, Vunidawa, Ba and
Nasinu, for the purchase of drugs and biomedical equipment for
subdivisional hospitals and health centres.
Provision was also made for increased staffing, and to
upgrade pays and working conditions of paramedical staff including nurse
during the year.
The Economy
 | The economy is showing strong growth, forecast at
more that 4% this year with the major boost coming from sugar,
tourism, construction and mining. |
 | Government finances are in very healthy shape. With
prudent management, the People's Coalition Government brought fiscal
deficit down by $40 million in 1999 after only 7 months in office. It
achieved a net Budget surplus of $47.4 million in the first quarter of
this year. |
 | The taxpayers was saved $23 million when Government
scrapped bogus consultancies on Y2K and accrual accounting systems. |
 | Inflation is running at negative levels despite
increases in fuel price and strong economic growth. The decline is
largely due to Government initiatives in bringing down food prices and
the cost of basic utilities water, electricity and telephone. |
 | Foreign Reserves continues high at $829 million and
the Fiji currency remains stable. Although imports are expected to
rise push up by a buoyant economy, the Balance of Payments is excepted
to register a surplus. |
 | Foreign investment has picked up considerably
particularly in the tourism industry. Private sector credit in this
sector over the year, showing that more people are engaging in
self-employing activities. |
 | A little over 3000 new jobs were created in the
subsistence sector with the formal sector showing an increase of 900
new jobs during this period. Bureau of Statices estimates show 10,637
new jobs to be created during the year. |
Measures taken to reduce cost of living such as
reduction in public utility charges, lowering of interest rates, bank fees
and charges have had a beneficial effect on the cost of doing business in
These measures, along with other initiatives and
legislation proposed to enhance transparency and accountability in the
determination of Government policies, have resulted in a level playing
field for all entrepreneurs without favouring anyone.
 | Government scraped the $27 million drought relief and
rehabilitation loan to cane farmers that they were required to pay
back over a five year term - giving a total of about $40 million for
crop rehabilitation and drought relief programs. |
 | Under ALTA distress relief, Government allocated $20
million to a rehabilitation scheme for displaced farmers. Each tenant
farmer opting out of the system gets a grant of $28,000 to help start
life anew. So far 44 farmers have received $1 million under the
scheme. |
 | Government approved a $140 million electricity
producing plant for the Rarawai Mill using bagasse. It is a joint
venture between FSC and a French company with farmers and other
industry participants allowed a stake in it. This would mean no
pollution for Ba residents from bagasse during the milling season. |
 | To achieve high levels of efficiency, government has
directed that the FSC operates each of its four mills as separate cost
and profit centres. It also wants both cane growers and mill workers
to be paid on an incentive base system that recognizes and rewards
enterprises, efficiency and productivity. |
 | Government has actively canvasses the retention of
preferential market access for our sugar and other agricultural
produce, particularly under the Sugar Protocol with the European
Union. Government has taken a vocal stance on this issue at WTO talks
and will continue to maintain this position alongside our sister
nations of the ACP group. |
Under Government initiative and tutelage Tourism has
become a really dynamic sector promising the creation of hundreds of new
jobs both in the construction of a number of new hotels and in expended
tourism activities.
 | Government has approved $25 million as equity towards
the Natadola Resort Development project to get it off the ground.
Natadola was identified in 1973 as allocation for major integrated
tourism development but remained undeveloped for want of political
will and investor confidence. |
 | $10 million for infrastructure such as roads and
water works to support the Natadola project has also been allocated in
Budget 2000. |
 | Government has welcomed foreign investment to the
tune of $350 million or more in hotel construction projects over the
next 18 months or so - a number of these developments are at Denarau
Island, Nadi: the Hilton Hotel and the Accor Air Pacific Hotel.
Trendwest which has just opened up time share apartments in Denarau
have given indication they are going ahead with phrase two of their
The Lomaloma Beach resort hotel project at $160 million is yet another
major planned development. |
 | Government has re-possessed the Grand Pacific Hotel
site in Suva so that the hotel can be renovated and restored to its
former grandeur. |
 | Government has taken over Suva foreshores from GHP
along Queen Elizabeth Drive in a bad to clean it up, beautify it and
develop it as a marine park/recreation area fro tourists area for
tourists and residents alike. Suva foreshore development scheme may
include the construction of a shopping/entertainment venue along the
waterfront. |
Government's land use commission concept is part of a
concerted drive to boost agricultural production as a combined effort to
promote rural development, create employment and uplift the standard of
life in villages.
 | Agricultural Budget was increase by $10 million to
$68 million. |
 | A $15 million Agricultural Diversification Program
was set up for 2000. |
 | Mahogany - Government has moved fast on the
development of this important source. It has identified a preferred
partner to begin negotiations on sustainable exploitation of the
mahogany forest. |
 | On both the issues, mahogany as well as the land use
commission, Government is working in close consultation with the Great
Council of Chiefs. The GCC has already been briefed on theses two
issues. Government intends to work in consultation with the GCC on all
issues of indigenous concern. |
Infrastructure Development
The country's infrastructure has deteriorated markedly
over the years and needs serious attention. Rural roads are in pathetic
state of disrepair and water supplies at several major centres have
suffered regular disruptions.
 | Government boosted the capital workers budget by $29
million to $141 million as part of its expansionary efforts to create
employment and provide roads, water and electricity to rural areas. |
 | $8 million for the maintenance of roads and bridges. |
 | $25 million for the third Fiji road upgrade project. |
 | $12 million for maintenance and upgrading of urban
and rural water supply systems. |
 | $6 million for he rural electrification program with
Government and FEA both putting in $3 million each. |
 | $2 million set aside as a contingency fund to provide
immediate relief operations in the event of a natural disaster. |
Saving Public Enterprises
Government remains steadfast in its policy that
essential public entities must remain in State hands. To this effect it
reversed a number of moves by the previous government towards
privatisation of essential public services. It also took steps to salvage
a number of public companies that were driven onto liquidation under the
SVT government because of mismanagement of badly negotiated privatisation
 | The privatisation of Fiji Electricity Authority into
three separate entities was stopped and the companies scrapped. |
 | The restructuring of the Civil Aviation Authority was
reviewed and contracts given out to private companies rescinded. More
than 350 workers made redundant under the scheme were reinstated. |
 | Rewa Rice Ltd was revived. Government paid $4.2
million to salvage the company. Government imposed import controls to
revive the local rice industry. |
 | Government has taken steps to rehabilitate the
financially troubled shipyard and slipway. It paid $2.9 million to
takeover the mortgage debenture from the ANZ Bank in a bid to takeover
majority control of Shipbuilding Fiji Ltd. It is now in the process of
appointing a competent management team to run the shipyard and
negotiate building contracts. |
 | Viti Corp was assisted through the provision of
Government guarantees to return to commercial viability. |
Accountability and Transparency
Good governance, accountability and transparency are
major pillars around which the People's Coalition Government intends to
administer our country. To this end it has tabled in Parliament Bills and
motions for:
 | A code of ethics and conduct for all senior office
holders including MPs, the president and vice president, judges and
other stare executives. |
 | A Freedom on Information Bill which would allow
public scrutiny of State documents and the right to information |
 | Government has also set up a three-member Commission
on Corruption headed by Mr Justice Daniel Fatiaki |
 | Commissioned an inquiry into allegations of
corruption and other malpractices in the Immigration Ministry. |
 | Convened a commission of inquiry to investigate
alleged impropriety and dereliction of duty in the sale of the
Government shipyard and slipway. |
 | Following the Air Fiji crash disaster July, last
year, Government released all aircraft accident reports to the Media
in order to encourage transparency. |
Worker Rights:
 | Allocation to the Labour Ministry increased to allow
for more staff so that the department can effectively monitor working
conditions and the observation of labour laws. |
 | Public Service Appeal Board reinstated for civil
servants seeking redress on grievances relating to appointments,
transfers, promotions and disciplinary penalties within the service.
Government reversed decentralisation of PSC power on staff
appointments etc. |
 | Equal Employment Opportunities (EEO) is being
addressed ti guard against discrimination based on gender, ethnicity,
age or disability. |
 | government had begun negotiations on the
establishment of a minimum national wage to protect unorganised
workers. |
 | Wages Council have been directed to meet once a year
to review salaries and other conditions of work for unorganised
workers in designated industries. |
 | Tripartite Forum is being re-established to provide
policy advice on important national issues as well as to contribute
towards greater industrial peace, harmony and productivity. |
Foreign Relations
Government is playing an assertive role in protecting
the interest of island nations such as Fiji in the face of increasing
globalisation and threats to our major exports posed by the trade
liberalisation policies.
 | At the WTO conference in Seattle and the Pacific
leaders conference in Hawaii Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry spoke
out on the need to continue to protect the interest of vulnerable
island economies through subsidies and preferential trade agreements.
Fiji will continue to mount a strong campaign for this at other
international fora. |
 | At the Pacific Leaders Conference in Japan, the PM
pushed for the setting up of a special development assistance fund for
Pacific Island nations to be funded by former colonial powers and
major trading partners of these island states. |
 | The Prime Minister met with Australian PM John Howard
to state the case for a contribution of preferential trade agreements
for our garment and footwear industries. This has been agrees to in
principle. |
 | Fiji will play host to a major international
conference of the ACP-EU group of countries early next month. It will
see the signing of a Suva Convention to replace the prestigious Lome
Convention. This will be the biggest ever international conference
ever held in Fiji, a major plus for the country and its tourism
industry. |
Forging a future together
A National Development Plan is being formulated.
Altogether 32 sectors of development have been identified and
consultations on these sectors have begun. The plan will be adopted by
consensus, following close consultations with all the sectors.
Resources will than be channelled into these areas to
achieve national objectives.