iii) Members of the National Council shall be entitled to
attend Annual or Special Conference worth no power to vote unless an accredited
iv) All Labour members of Parliament shall be entitled to
attend Annual or Special Conference with no power to vote unless an accredited
v) At all Conference the quorum shall consist of at least 1/3
of delegates eligible to attend.
The National Council of the Party shall be the governing body
in between each Annual Delegates Conference. In accordance with the powers
delegated to it by the Delegates Conference, the National Council shall
formulate and implement policy. It shall also have the power to approve the
formation and dissolution of branches of the Party.
The National Council of the Party shall be constituted as
a) The National President of the Party who may be
full-time/part time or an honorary official of the Party as the National Council
may decide and shall be elected biennially by the Delegates Conference.
b) Three (3) Vice-Presidents of the Party who shall be elected
biennially by the Delegates Conference. At least one of the Vice-Presidents
shall be a woman.
c) Eighteen (18) representatives of the rural sector/farmers
who shall be elected biennially by the delegates Conference and whose
nominations shall be endorsed by their branches.
d) Thirteen (13) representatives of the urban sector/workers
who shall be elected biennially by the Delegates Conference and whose
nominations shall be endorsed by their branches.
e) The Secretary-General of the Party who may be
full-time/part-time or an honorary official of the Party as the National Council
may decide and shall be elected biennially by the Delegates Conference.
f) The Assistant Secretary-General of the Party who shall be
elected biennially by the Delegates Conferences.
g) The National Treasure of the Party who shall be elected
biennially by the Delegates Conference.
h) Two (2) women representatives, one of whom shall be a
representative of the Women's Wing of the Party, who shall be elected biennially
by the Delegates Conference.
i) Two (2) youth representatives, one of whom shall be a
representative of the Youth Wing of the Party, who shall be elected biennially
by the Delegates Conference.
j) The Leader and Secretary of the Parliamentary wing of the
Party shall attend all meetings of the National Council and shall have voting
rights unless already accredited to the National Council in another capacity
under section 12.
k) All elected members of Parliament shall attend the meetings
of the National Council but shall have no voting rights unless already
accredited to the Council in another capacity under section 12.
l) Any vacancy arising between two consecutive Delegates
Conference shall be filled by the National Council.
m) Any member of the National Council who fails to attend
three consecutive meetings of the Council shall cease to be a member, except in
special circumstances acceptable to the Council.
a) The National President of the Party shall chair all
meetings of the National Council.
b) The National Council shall meet at least twice annually.
c) Members of the National Council shall be eligible to attend
any branch meeting with the right to speak but without voting power unless
he/she is a financial member of that Branch.
At all meetings of the National Council a quorum shall consist
of at least 1/3 of its members.
a) The Secretary-General shall prepare and circulate prior to
the Annual Delegates Conference a Report covering the activities of the Party
during the past financial year and specifying action taken on remits referred to
the National Council by the previous Conference.
b) The National Council may from time to time delegate
responsibilities given to it to the Management Board.
The Management Board shall act as the administrative arm of
the National Council
The Management Board shall consist of:
a) The National President
b) The three (3) Vice-Presidents
c) The Secretary-General
d) The Assistant Secretary-General
e) The National Treasurer
f) The Parliamentary Leader shall attend all meetings of the
Management Board and shall have voting rights unless already accredited to the
Board under Section 14.
g) A maximum of three (3) other persons who shall be elected
by the National Council.
h) Additional persons may be co-opted by the Board from time
to time but they shall have no voting rights.
The Management Board shall meet at least six (60 times
At all meeting of the Management Board, a quorum shall consist
of at least one half of its members.
Any member of the Management Board who fails to attend three
(3) consecutive meetings of the Board shall cease to be a member, except in
special circumstances acceptable to the Board.
The National Council shall set up a Policy Council as a
Standing Committee of the National Council.
a) The Policy Council shall consist of sub-committees
responsible for formulating policy covering the following areas and any others
that may be determined by the National Council from time to time: the
economy/development; labour and industrial relations; poverty alleviation and
social policy; women; ethnic affairs; and regional and international issues.
b) The precise structure and functions of the sub-committees
of the Policy Council shall be determined by the National Council to which the
Policy Council will be responsible.
a) There shall be a Women's Wing of the Party which shall be
responsible to the Delegates Conference and for formulating and implementing
policies specifically on women. It will also be responsible for contributing to
the board social and development policy of the Party.
b) The precise structure and functions of the Women's Wing
shall be determined by the National Council of the Party.
a) There shall be a Youth Wing of the Party which shall be
responsible to the Delegates Conference and for formulating and implementing
policies specifically on youth. It will also be responsible for contributing to
the broad social and development policies of the Party.
b) The precise structure and functions of the Youth Wing shall
be determined by the National Council of the Party.
In accordance with Section 12 of the Constitution, the
National Council may establish temporary or permanent Branches of the Party in
any divisions/areas of Fiji.
The following rules shall apply to all branched: -
The name of the Branch shall be "The
……………………. Branch of the Fiji Labour Party.
The objects of the Branches shall be those prescribed in the
Constitution of the Party. The Branch shall enforce the Constitution in all
matters and observe legally the resolutions and decisions of the Annual
Conference and the National Council.
a) The Branch shall be responsible for the electoral
organization for General and Local Government Elections as allotted to it by the
National Council.
b) The Branch shall raise such amounts as may be determined
from time ti time by the National Council and shall remit the same as required.
c) Branches shall not, without the prior consent of the
National Council, affiliate with or send delegates to any organizations not
affiliated with the Fiji Labour Party.
a) The membership of any person desiring to join the Party
shall be subject to confirmation at a duly constitutes meeting of the Branch.
Any admission contrary to Constitution of the Party shall be null and void.
b) Postal enrolment of the Labour Party Branch member may be
permitted subject to the conditions in Rule 6.
a) The Branch Treasurer shall in conjunction with the Branch
Secretary be responsible for the collection of all contributions and
subscriptions from members. He/she shall forward all monies collected on behalf
of the Party to the Head Office of the Party. Such monies shall be remitted
weekly. He/she shall notify all members in arrears. He/she shall be responsible
for the safety of all monies and property of the Party placed in his/her hands
and shall keep full and accurate accounts of the Party. He/she shall prepare a
financial statement for each Annual meeting of the Branch and at any other time
as may be required by the Branch Committee. He/she shall have the right to speak
and to vote on financial matters.
b) The Branch Treasurer in consultation with the Branch
secretary shall liaise with the Head Office and obtain necessary funds for
branch expenses.
A member of a branch coming to reside within another branch
area may be granted full privileges of membership in that area on production of
a clearance from the branch to which membership fees for the current year have
been paid.
The Officers of the branch shall be the Branch President,
Branch Vice President, Branch Secretary, and Branch Treasure, who shall be
elected by and from members of the Branch annually.
The Executive shall consist of: -
a) The Branch President, Branch Vice President, Branch
Secretary-Treasurer ex-officio (or Branch Secretary and Branch Treasurer
b) Five other members elected by and form the members of the
Vacancies shall be filled by Branch Executives.
a) The Branch President, if present shall preside at all
meetings of the branch and Executive. In the absence of the Branch President
from any meeting; the Branch Vice President shall preside. In the absence of
both the Branch President and the Branch Vice President the members present
shall elect one of their members to chair the meeting. The Branch President
shall have a deliberative vote and a casting vote.
b) Ordinary meetings of the Branch shall be held regularly,
preferably at intervals of one month.
c) A special meeting may be called by: -
i) The Branch President and Branch Secretary;
ii) A resolution of an ordinary meeting;
iii) The Secretary on receipt of a requisition signed by not
less than one-fourth of the members;
d) The Annual Meeting shall be hale before 30th May each year.
e) Meetings shall be devoted to branch business including:
i) The raising of Finance
ii) Discussions on policy;
iii) Political, educational and cultural topics;
iv) Matters of local public interest.
f) Branches shall have the right to communicate with all other
branches and affiliate within the Party subject to the cost being borne by the
originating Branch.
A quorum for Branch meetings shall consist of at least 1/3 of
the members. A quorum for Executive shall consist of at least five members.
a) If a branch does not formally meet for 12 successive months
and/or efforts by the Management Board have failed, to revive it, the books and
assets of the defunct branch shall be recovered by any person authorised by the
Secretary General.
b) Should wish to disband or go into recess the books and
assets of such Branches shall be forwarded by the Branch Secretary to the
Secretary General.
All elections or other matters for decision by secret ballot
at the Delegates Conference of the Party shall be held under the authority of
the National Council or Election Committee appointed specifically for the
purpose by the National Council. All decisions in respect of the following
matters shall be taken by secret ballot: -
a) Election or dismissal of officers, including branch
officers of the Party.
b) Election and dismissal of the National Council or any
members therefore.
c) The alteration of the rules of the Party.
d) Dissolution of the Party.
The National office bearers of the Labour Party shall be
elected biennially at a Delegates Conferences and shall serve two years. They
shall normally be elected from the delegates present at the Delegates Conference
and their nomination shall be endorsed by at least three Branches. Only in
exceptional circumstances may a candidate be elected in his/her absence.
a) The National President (who may be full-time of part-time
as the National Council may decide) shall normally preside over all meetings,
Delegates or Special Conferences as well as National Council and Management
Board meetings at which he/she is present. In the case of a full-time National
President, his/her terms and conditions of employment shall be determined by the
Management Board and endorsed by the National Council.
b) He/she may delegate his/her authority to his/her Vice
c) The President, or at his/her request or in his/her absence,
a Vice President, shall enforce strict observance of the Rules of the Party as
well as perform other work as pertains to his/her officer.
a) The three (3) Vice-Presidents of the Party shall render all
necessary assistance to the President.
b) In the absence of, or at the request of the Present and
subject to the decision of the appropriate meetings, one of them shall be
elected to carry out the duties of the President.
a) The Secretary General shall be full-time or part-time as
the National Council may decide. In the case of a full-time Secretary General
his/her terms and conditions of employment shall be determined by the Management
Board and endorsed by the National Council.
b) He/she shall keep full and accurate minutes of all meetings
of the Management Board, the National Council and Delegates of Special
c) He/she shall receive and answer all correspondences, summon
or convene meetings and perform such other duties as the National Council or
Conferences shall from time to time direct.
d) He/she shall be directly responsible to the Management
Board or National Council on all matters affecting the staff of the Labour Party
e) In his/her presence or at his/her request, he/she may
delegate come of his/her functions to the Assistant Secretary General or such
other person as approved by the Management Board.
f) He/she shall prepare Activities Reports or process other
Reports for submission to Delegates or Special Conferences or the National
Council and perform other tasks as pertains to the office.
g) The Secretary General shall be an ex-officio member of all
Boards and duly constituted bodies of the Party.
i) The Assistant Secretary General shall assist or deputise
for the Secretary General as required or in his/her absence.
ii) He/she shall perform such duties as required by the
Secretary General or prescribed by the Management Board or the National Council.
a) The National Treasurer shall collect all subscription and
Capitation fees payable to the Party and receive any donations or contributions
made and shall pay the same into the bank approved by the National Council.
b) He/she shall keep a register of all members and affiliates
giving dates of their joining or withdrawal as the case may be and shall keep
all Party Books, Vouchers, Cheques and Receipt Books available for scrutiny by
the Secretary General, Management Board or Auditor.
c) The account books shall be open to inspect by the
authorised members of all affiliates subject to the giving of reasonable notice.
Copies of audited accounts shall be sent to all the affiliated organizations.
d) The National Treasurer shall, in conjunction with either
the Secretary General of the President or such other officers as approved by the
National Council, sign all cheques fro the withdrawal of the Party funds.
All the funds and properties of the Labour Party shall be
acquired in the name of the Party. The Secretary General and the National
Treasurer shall sign all legal documents for and on behalf of the Party. These
rules shall apply to the Party. These rules shall apply to the Fiji Labour
Party: -
i) All money shall be acknowledged by an official receipt and
as soon as practicable thereafter deposited in the banking account.
ii) All funds received in the name of the Party shall be
deposited in account and that account shall be in the name of the "Fiji
Labour Party".
iii) Payments shall be made by a cheque drawn on the account
and signed by the Treasurer in communication with the National President or
Secretary General of the Party.
iv) Only sufficient funds should be retained in current
accounts to meet the running expenses of the organization concerned.
v) The Financial Year of the Fiji Labour Party and all its
constituent bodies shall commence from the first day of May in each year and
terminate on the last day of April in the following year.
vi) At the end of each financial year the Treasurer of the
organization concerned shall prepare a statement of receipts and payments and a
balance sheet which shall be audited, as required by the constitution, before
presentation to the Annual Conference.
vii) Where necessary, persons canvassing for finds for the
Fiji Labour Party shall be provided with written authorization.
i) The accounts, statement of receipt and payments and the
balance sheet of the Labour Party shall be duly certified by a qualified auditor
prior to presentation at the Annual conference.
ii) The accounts, statement of receipt and payments and the
balance sheet of Branches shall be examined by a qualified Auditor or a
competent person to approved by the National Council of the Labour Party prior
to presentation to the Annual meeting.
All delegates to Annual Conference and other formal
representative meetings of the Party shall sign a Pledge in the following form:
"I ……..……………………………………………………….
a delegate from
declare: -
i) I am not a member of any other political party or any
organization membership of which is declared by the Party Conference or the
National Council to be incompatible with membership of this Party.
ii) I accept the Constitution and Policy of the Party.
iii) I will faithfully uphold any decisions with may be made
from time to time pursuant to the Constitution.
iv) I will work for and support the candidates of the party
selected in accordance with the Constitution.
Any person accepting nomination as a Party candidate shall
sign a pledge, in the following form in the presence of not less than two
financial members.
"Having been nominated as a Candidate for selection in
accordance with the provisions of the constitution for the
……………………………………… I hereby accept nomination and
declare: -
i) I am not a member of any political party or any
organization membership of which is declared by the Party Conference or the
National Council to be incompatible with membership of the Fiji Labour Party.
ii) I will wholeheartedly support the duly selected candidates
of the Party.
iii) If selected as a candidate, I will not withdraw without
the consent of the Party organization controlling the election.
iv) I will faithfully observe the Constitution and Policy of
the Party.
v) If selected, I will vote on all questions in accordance
with the delegates or Special Conference on matters relating to Policy.
i) The Management Board shall at a time to be determined with
the National Council call for nominations for Parliamentary candidate from all
Branches in the electorates concerned.
ii) The closing date fro receipt of nominations shall be not
less than two months from the date of issuing of the circular which calls for
nominations. However, in the case of by-elections called at short notice, or in
other cases of urgency, this period may be varied.
iii) At least one month before the closing date (except for by
elections, elections called at short notice of other cases of urgency when this
period may be varied) all benches shall advice heir members by circular and
newspaper advertisements that nominations are open.
iv) Any member of the Party who has been a bona to the date of
the calling for nominations shall be eligible for nomination as a Parliamentary
v) A nomination may be accepted from a member with less than
one year's membership under exceptional circumstances.
vi) Nomination shall be on the official form supplied by the
National Council and shall determine a pre-selection process in consultation
with the branches that have substantial members in the electorate concerned
Parliamentary By-Election campaigns shall be under the control
of the National Council. It shall have the authority to levy all branches to
help defray expenses incurred in by-election campaigns.
All matters in connection with petitions against the
declarations of Returning Officers in Parliamentary Elections shall be under the
full control of the National Council.
i) No application for membership from any person who is
suspended from the party shall be accepted without the prior consent of the
National Council.
ii) A Branch shall have power to suspend any member of that
branch who: -
a) Has been guilty of conduct calculated to bring the Party
into disrepute; or
b) Had failed to comply with the terms of the Party Pledge.
Notification of such suspension and reasons fro it shall be
forwarded immediately to the Management Board. The National Council shall
determine the period of suspension of any other action necessary. The Branch
shall also have a right of appeal to the National Council.
iii) Upon the application of any Branch or by its own motion,
the National Council may, for reasons determined sufficient by it, suspend from
membership of the Party. Such person shall be notified of the reason and be
given opportunity to state his or her case before the National council. If
suspended the said person has the right to appeal to the Annual Conference.
iv) Any communication whether verbal or in writing or
otherwise made by any member or committee of organization of the Party to
another member or committee of organization of the Party pursuant to or arising
out of action taken under the provisions of this Constitution shall be
Any member of the Party who stands as a candidate in opposite
to, or publicly campaigns against an official Labour candidate in all Elections
shall automatically cease to be a member of the Fiji Labour Party.
No alternations to the Constitution and rules shall be made
except by Special or Delegates Conference following due notice to the Party
organizations in writing at least two months before Conference.
July 9, 1993.
It is proposed that the number of rural sector/farmer
representatives on the Party's National Council be increased from 8 to 18 and
that the urban sector/worker representatives be increased from 8 to 13. The
purpose of this amendment is to provide more democratic representation on
Council and as such to reflect the respective sizes of these two constituencies
more accurately. The distribution within each (rural/urban) category is also
aimed at providing representation appropriate to the population size of
different areas. In addition, the spirit of the recommendation is to encourage
individual branches to make every effort to nominate mixed (gender/ethnic)
c) Eighteen (18) representatives of the rural sector/farmers
who shall be selected biennially by the Delegates Conference and whose
nominations shall be endorsed by their branches. The 18 representatives shall be
distributes as follows: -