Policies on Economic Development
Vigorous economic growth is necessary for the delivery of
improved social and economic benefit of the people.
The package of economic reforms development by the Fiji Labour
Party will create a stable environment for investment and economic growth.
We will take urgent steps to create much-needed confidence in the business
community by initiating measures to facilities investment
We believe that the real potential for sustained economic
growth lies in the orderly development of all the key sectors of our economy: agriculture,
fisheries and forests, tourism, the construction industry, manufacturing, and
the retail and services sectors.
The Fiji Labour Party will ensure that investment capital and
other inputs are made available to entrepreneurs at reasonable cost.
The Fiji Labour Party will re-examine the role of the Fiji
Development Bank to ensure there is greater focus on assisting industrial and
commercial development.
The Fiji Labour Party will establish a separate bank to
service the needs of the farming community; this bank will be responsible for
providing finance on reasonable terms to stimulate agricultural development.
The Fiji Labour Party will take steps to ensure that the
banking and insurance sector make their fair contribution to Fiji's economic
The Fiji Labour Party will ensure that the cost of public
utilities (electricity, water and telecommunications) is kept at affordable
levels to help reduce the fixed costs of doing business.
The Fiji Labour Party will encourage and assist small and
medium sized businesses.
Work for all
The Fiji Labour Party believes that the right to work is a
basic human right and that the most important resource of any country are its
people. The current high national unemployment rate of around 15% (40% for
youths between 18-25) is the sad legacy that is continuing and is bound to
further escalate in post-coup Fiji. It has resulted in social dislocation, an
alarming increase in the crime rate and high levels of tension and frustration
in our society.
Job creation is a top priority with the Fiji Labour Party.