| Recognition and protection of fundamental political and
civil rights, including free and democratic elections, freedom of
expression, freedom of the individual and a just legal system. |
 | Elimination of discrimination and exploitation on the
grounds of class, race, sex, religion, political affiliation and age. |
 | Abolition of poverty and the achievement of an equitable
distribution of income, wealth and opportunities. |
 | Fostering of a national identity for our people. |
 | Proper management of Fiji's resources, and protection of
the environment. |
 | Redistribution of political and economic power so that all
members of society have the opportunity to participate in institutions and
the processes which determine their lives. |
 | Promotion of the democratic socialisation of industry,
production, distribution and exchange in order to eliminate anti-social
exploitative practices. |
 | Maintenance and creation of and support or a competitive
non-monopolistic private sector with particular emphasis on small-scale
business, farming and co-operatives, controlled and owned by the people of
Fiji, and operating within clear social guidelines and objectives. |
 | Recognition and encouragement of the right of labour to
organise for the protection and advancement of its objectives. |
 | Application of industrial democracy to increase
opportunities for people to work in satisfying, healthy and humane
conditions and to participate in and increase their control over, the
decision making processes affecting them. |
 | Provision and maintenance of full and meaningful
employment. |